What we offer
All our security officers are SIA licensed and vetted to British Standards BS7858 ensuring reliability and the ability to offer the highest calibre of security officer. Our service is carefully tailored to meet our clients’ exact requirements.
A dedicated Contract Manager is assigned to each contract and will attend site prior to commencement date to undertake a full site survey and risk assessments.
Comprehensive, bespoke site assignment instructions will be supplied for your site, with assignment logs being completed during each shift. Our security officers are trained to be both vigilant and responsive and a full training matrix is designed for each site, covering all core duties as well as standard security operating procedures.
Our officers are visited regularly by their Contract Managers for health and safety, welfare visits and checking that all duties are compliant as per the site assignment instructions. Site visit reports are completed on all these visits, identifying training requirements or issues that need to be raised to our client. These reports are then produced in the monthly SLA meetings.